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Historical Dance Bibliography

Entry with id almanack_1796:

Royal Fortune-telling Almanack; Or, Ladies Universal Pocket-book, for the Year 1796 Containing Eugenio and Hilario, or the Prophecy Fulfilled. Eclipses, Common Notes, &c. Tables of the Changes of the Moon. Holidays Kept at the Public Offices. Days for Transferring Stock. Births, Marriages, &c. of the Royal Family of Great Britain Precedency among Ladies Observations on the Nature, Means, and Use of Prescience of Palmistry, Physiognomy, the Hair, Baldness, Moles, Dreams, the Birth of Children, with Respect to the Moon, &c. Anecdotes of Missis Williams. The Heroic Princess. Phillis and Corydon. New Songs Sung at Vauxhall Kings and Queens of England. Marketing Tables. A Tables to Cast up Expences. New Country Dances
Added to database:
February 15, 2015
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Date of publication:
B. Crosby
Place of publication:
dance description, longway

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In-text label: [Almanack, 1796]
Full cite: Royal Fortune-telling Almanack; Or, Ladies Universal Pocket-book, for the Year 1796 Containing Eugenio and Hilario, or the Prophecy Fulfilled. Eclipses, Common Notes, &c. Tables of the Changes of the Moon. Holidays Kept at the Public Offices. Days for Transferring Stock. Births, Marriages, &c. of the Royal Family of Great Britain Precedency among Ladies Observations on the Nature, Means, and Use of Prescience of Palmistry, Physiognomy, the Hair, Baldness, Moles, Dreams, the Birth of Children, with Respect to the Moon, &c. Anecdotes of Missis Williams. The Heroic Princess. Phillis and Corydon. New Songs Sung at Vauxhall Kings and Queens of England. Marketing Tables. A Tables to Cast up Expences. New Country Dances. London, 1796. https://bib.hda.org.ru/books/almanack_1796
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