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Historical Dance Bibliography

Entry with id feuillet_1715_essex:

Author (real name):
Raoul-Auger Feuillet, John Essex
For the Further Improvement of Dancing. A Treatise of Cherography, or the Art of Dancing Country Dances after a New Character, in Which the Figures, Steps, and Manner of Performing are Describ'd, and the Rules Demonstrated in an Easie Method Adapted to the Meanest Capacity
Added to database:
August 24, 2013
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Date of publication:
John Walsh
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Page order of the book is slightly strange. Page order, as described in Little-Marsh catalogue: title page — dedication — 22 unnumbered plates, each containing four numbered images, containing instructions for dancing country dances and choreographies for 10 of them — pages numbered 9–17, containing choreographies for 5 more country dances (each page contains one image) — 8 unnumbered pages containing choreography for “The Princess Passpie”. The original book might have passpied preceding the 5 country dances (this will make numbers on 9–17 make sense), but since there exactly one known copy of this book (it is held in the British Library), this can't be confirmed

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In-text label: [Feuillet, Essex, 1715]
Full cite: Raoul-Auger Feuillet, John Essex For the Further Improvement of Dancing. A Treatise of Cherography, or the Art of Dancing Country Dances after a New Character, in Which the Figures, Steps, and Manner of Performing are Describ'd, and the Rules Demonstrated in an Easie Method Adapted to the Meanest Capacity. London, 1715. https://bib.hda.org.ru/books/feuillet_1715_essex
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