Thus 1st couple contratem forward & back, balance & rig., change sides with partners, & back, down the middle, up, cast off & right & left.
1st couple, balance & rig. (without crossing the feet) change sides with the moulinett step, & back, down middle, up, cast off, & right & left.
1st couple face the 2d & change sides, back again, down the middle, up &5252. Text incomplete
First gent, balce to 2d lady & turn & comes to his place, then the 1st lady does the same to 2d gent, — down the middle, up, cast off & right & left.
Chasse down outside, & up, cross hands 4 round, down the middle, up, cast off, & right & left.
Three couple join hands, balance & rig., double chasse round, balance & rig. & chasse back to places, 1st couple down the middle, up, cast off, & right & left.
First & 2 couple balance, to each other, change sides, & balance, back again, 1st couple lead down the middle, up, cast off, right & left.
The gent haze with the ladies first, & then with the gent & comes to his place. 1st couple down the middle, up, cast off, right & left.
Chasse outside up, down the middle, up, cast off, turn with partner, then with 3 lady, again with partner & then with 2 lady, balance to your partner & change sides.
Lead outside, down 2 couple, rig. chasse between 2 and 3 couple & come opposite partner, allemande with partner, then with 2d lady, again with partner,then with 3 lady, then with 2 lady, then with partner, & then with 3 lady, balance to partner & change sides.
1st couple chasse down outside 2 couple, contratem forward & chasse up the middle, & cast off, 2 couple then go over the same, 1st gent chasse sides with 2 lady & 1st L. with 2d G.,then all 4 join hands & chasse round to their places & rig. 1st couple cross over & right & left.
First 3 ladies lead round the gent to their places, then 1st 3 gent lead round the ladies to places, — 1st couple down middle, up, cast off, right & left
1st 2 couple cross hands & double chasse round & back, 1st couple down the middle, up, cast off &c.
Gent crosses over one couple, & meet his partner, — chasse up, turn partner 1/2 round, chasse down, rig., up again, cast off & right & left.
Hands across 4 round & back, down the middle, up, cast off. Gent haze with gent, & lady with ladies.
Cross over, & turn with partner, & come between 2d couple, balance to 3d couple, — turn with partner & come between 2d & 3d couple, double chasse 6 hands round & back.
1st & 3d couple chasse round the 2d — allemande with partners sideways & all 3 couple promenade round to their places & 1st couple cast off, then all 3 couple join hands & double chasse round & back — right & left.
1st & 2d couple 4 hands round & back, 1st couple down the middle, up, cast off, hands 6 round, 1st couple stand still while 2d and 3d balance to each other & right & left.
Cross over 2 couple, up the middle, cross over 1 couple to your own side, pass your partner & turn 3d lady, pass your partner again & turn 2d lady, balance to partner & change sides.
1st gent turn 2d lady, 1st lady turn 2d gent. 1st couple down middle, cast off at 3d couple, balance, 6 hands round & right & left.
1st couple lead outside, 3d couple up the middle, each couple then change side with partners & 1st couple lead down the middle, & 3d couple lead outside & change sides to their places. 1st couple lead down the middle, cast off, balance, 6 hands round & back & balance.
Lead outside up, down the middle, up, cast off, 6 hands round, right & left.
1st gent turn 2d lady, 1st lady turn 2d gent, first couple down the middle, up, cast off (no right & left).
1st couple balance to 2d lady, 3 hands round then to 2d gent, & 3 hands round, — 1st couple down the middle, up, cast off & right & left.
1st couple down the middle, up, cast off. Gent balce to 3d lady & change sides with partner, & balance to 2d lady. 4 hand round with 3d couple, right & left with 2d couple.
### Black dance
Lead outside & change side with partner, lead up & change sides to places, lead down & leave partner below 3 lady
1st & 3d couple change sides & back. 1st couple down middle, gent leaves his partner & chasse, up with 3 lady. 1st & 3d couple change sides again & back, the 1st gent & 3 lady down the middle, the gent then chasse up with his partner, & cast off (no right & left).
1st couple cross over & gent haze with ladies, & lady with gent, cross over again & haze on their own sides, down the middle, up, cast off & right & left.
1st couple balce to 2d lady & then to 2d gent & cross over below 2d couple. Change sides & right & left (use the shuffle step entirely).
Hands across 4 round & back, down middle, up, cast off.
1st gent allemand round with 2d lady, 1 lady with 2d gent, 1st couple down middle, up, cast off, right & left.
Four hands 1/2 round & back, 1st couple down middle, up, cast off — set corners & change sides with partner, same as in the Chorus jig.
1st & 2d couple balance & 4 hands 1/2 round, balance & back, 1st couple down middle, up, cast off, 4 hands round & back with 3d couple, right & left with 2d couple — change side with partner, rig. & back & rig.
1 & 2d gentlemen bow each other & chasse across the 1st & 2 lady, join hand & chasse across between them, rig., back & rig. 1st couple down middle, up, cast off, set corners & lead outsides.
1st change
Balance to partners & swing arms first over ladies head, balance again & then over gentleman head.
2d change
Top & bottom couple chasse across & turn partner with right hand, chasse back & turn right hands again to places. Side couple do the same.
3d change
Similar to the first.
4th change
Face partners & right & left all eight.
The ladies give their left hands to partners & come in the middle. ladies Page all cross hands in the middle, rig. Chasse before partners & rig. which will bring all the gentlemen in the middle, rig. turn partners to places & rig. The gentlemen change places with the ladies on their left & then partners with the gent on their right, rig. & change, back to places. Top and bottom couple go forward & rig. & 4 hands across round to places. Side couple do the same, except instead of 4 hands across they join hands & chasse round to their places.
Top & botom couple chasse round and come to places. Side couple do the same, the 4 ladies cross hands & turn 1/2 round with moulinet step, rig. & back, rig. The 4s gentlemen do the same, top & bottom couples contratem to right hand couples & contratem back, side couple do the same. Top & bot. couples do the same again & side couples ditto, which will bring all to places.
Top & bottom couple right & left, the first lady contretem forward & rig. Chasse between the right couple on the right, & rig. them, between middle & rig., then between 3d couple, & rig. Then all 4 couple balance to partners & turn. The third lady afterwards do the same successively, & then the gentlemen.
Gent. chasse to the right & turns corner with every one he meet, till he get opposite from where he set out, then contretem forward chasse before partner, turn half round contretem back to his place.
1st. All join hands & balance & double chasse round, balance again, & chasse back to places.
2d. Each couple balce, & turn partner with right hand, then balce again.
3d. The 4 ladies, balce, & cross hands & double chasse round twice over.
4th. Page The 4 gent. do the same
5th. Each couple balance to each other, and allemande round twice over.
Head & bottom couple contretem forward & turn with their partner, side couples do the same. × H & B. couples moulinett to side couples, gent chasse to left & lady to the right & turn short step & form a row on each side, all contretem forward (clap hands)5858. It's unclear when to clap hands — instruction is written between the lines & backward & turn partners to places. The side couples do the same over again.
One gent. at top & 1 lady at bottom contretem to each other & turn short step, chasse round, & then to the right & back, join hands & chasse round again to their places. Side couples do the same, then the figure goes on like the academy Page cotillion (which see) from the mark × to the end.
Top & bottom couple right & left, then contretem forward & backward, turn with partner, change side with left hand & back the same, Fue de sha & right & left backward (change without balance).
Gent contretem forward to opposite lady & rig., contretem twice back — haze — 1st couple chasse before 2d, change side, 4 hands across & 1/2 round, 1st couple chasse before 2d again & change side, as before, to their places.
Balance to lady & rig. Chasse to right, rig. moulinette back before your partner, rig. turn with her to your place, rig. — turn & face partner & right & left the same as in a country dance.
Top & bot. couple contratem forward & rig. chasse to right & rig. Then to the left, & contratem back — While the side couple are dancing the forgoing, top & bot. couple chasse, gent to right & lady to left. Turn short step & chasse back, so as to finish the figure attogether.
Balce & come sidaways with partner forming the figure as represented above, all join hands & double chasse round, then each couple change side with partner & double chasse back. — Top couple lead round the bottom & then the bottom round the top.
Gent balance & lady come before him, chasse to left, before each other, & then to the right behind, haze — & meet your partner, turn 1/2 round, & lead round to your places.
Lead to 1st couple on the right, rig., then to next couple, rig. Chasse to right, & back, & come before next couple, rig., half right & left, rig., finish right & left, gent chasse to left & back to his place.
1st gent contratem to opposite lady & back, change side with her, & chasse to the right & back, then change sides to your place. Page Chasse before partner & rig. — back & rig. then next gent do the same after which the ladies do the same over to the gent, successively.
Balance all 8 round & back, gent balance while his partner moulinette round before him, which will bring all the ladies in the middle. Then all the gent join hands & chasse round them twice, then the ladies turn their partners to their place. The gent then do the same which the ladies did, & the ladies chasse round them as before.
Top & bot. couple chasse to the right, rig. back, rig. Chasse before partner, rig. back, rig. top & bottom couple right & left. The side couple then go over the same.
First couple lead round to all the other, & come to their place, the next couple on the right do the same & come round behind the 1st couple then the next two couple do the same. The gent chasse to left & ladies to the rifht, & back partners, contratem forward & back, 2 gent & 2 opposite ladies at top, chasse before those at bottom, rig. chasse back, rig. Contratem forward & back, turn partner to places, chasse before partner, rig., back & rig.
1st lady balce to 1st gent at her right & rig., turn partner & rig., then balance to opposite gent, & rig, turn partner again & rig. & remain in the middle. The gent all join hands & double chasse round her, then she turn her partner again to her place. The other 3 ladies do the same successively. The gent do the same which the ladies did successively & the ladies chasse round them.
Top & bottom couples contratem forwards & back, change sides, chasse before partners & back, side couples then do the same, top & botm couples contratem forward & back & change side to places. The side couples do the same. Chasse across all 8 & back. Top couple leads under the arms of the botm couple & change sides, chasse across all 8 again, the bottom couple lead under the arms of the top couple, & change sides, chasse across all 8 again. The side couple do the same.
First gent contretem to opposite lady & back, then change sides, rig. chase to right & back, change sides to places. The lady give give her right hand to opposite lady & left hand to partner, then turn partner to places & balance. The other couples go on with the same successively.
Fist couple joins hands & chasse 5 step forward, rig. back, rig. then forward 5 step again, rig. the gen leave his partner & joins opposite couple who allemand when the lady moulinet, back to her place she balance while the opposite couple contratem forward & back. Then the first couple contratem forward to each other, turn short step & chasse round to places.
Balance all eight, then grand round ditto, and back, then all the gentlemen make then slide & balance — and every lady moulinett round with left foot first, and that will fetch them forward of their partners, then the gent take their partner, by the hands, and chasse 5 steps to the right & rigadoon, then the ladies moulinett round with their left right foot first, at the same time the gent do the same with their left foot and rign. Then all the gent turn their partners round with their right hand, then the honors, all step off and bow to the ring, then rise & return the compliment to your partner, then Page the side couple stand still, while the 1st and opposite couple chasses round under their arms, the other 2 couple do the same, then the changes.
Balance all eight, then chasse 10 steps with the right foot first, ditto & back, then the 1st & bottom couples contratem forward to the side couples & rig. while they make the side & balance, then the gent take two opposite ladies by the hands, and chasse 5 steps from your partners, then form 2 lines accross with rigadoon, then balance & rign., then with one clap with your hands turn your partner to your former places, the other two couple Page do the same, then every gent, contratem backward 5 steps, and every lady forward 5 & rig. then cross hands in the middle, & prominade half round, the ladies contratem back, & the gent. forward, cross hands & back, then the changes.
Balance all eight, then grand round ditto and back, the 1st & opposite couples contratem to the right hand couple, then contratem back to opposite places, then the side couples do the same. Reverse it, and you will all come to your former places, then the changes.
Balance all 8, and grand round ditto & back, every gent balance and every lady moulinette round forward of the gent, then chasse 5 steps to the right then the gent & ladies moulinette round forward of your partner, then turn your partners to places, then the gent. moulinette with the right foot & the lady with her left, them right & left in the middle, the other 2 couple do the same, then the changes.
Balance all 8, then 1/2 round the same, back again, 1 & 2d couple (opposite) take your partner, with both hands, Page chasse with her to your side with 5 steps back again to your places, balance with the opposite couple, then cross hands 1/2 round, back again with 4 hands round, a gent with the lady opposite, balance in the middle & set, the other gent with the opposite lady do the same, right & left quite round to your places — the 3d & 4th couple do the same figure.
All round, 1st couple set to the left couple, then the other couples chasse all 4, back again, face to the last couple & right & left quite round, face to your partner. Chasse only 5 steps, back again, turn your Page partner to your former place, the 2d couple to the left, perform the same figure & so the 3d & 4th couples.
All round, 1st & opposite couples balance in the middle, set, & turn contrary partners, & retreat to your places, the other 2 couple do the same, chasse all 8, and turn the lady to your right quite round, chasse back to your place, & turn the lady to your left. Then form 2 lines long way, four each side balance, cross hands 4, each corner balance again & cross hands back & come to your former places.
Allemand, chasse 4 open back again, balance in the middle, then 1/2 right & left. The gent. then balance & turn the ladies to their left hand only halfway, set, chasse all eight that you may be in your former place, the 3d & 4th couple do the same.
All round, the 2 opposite couples take your partner hands & change places, chasse 4 only 5 steps, so back again, balance in the middle, set, 1/2 across hands that you may be in your places, the same couple turn contrary partners opposite, then turn your own with your right hand, half way, Page balance with your partner, set, half right & left, with the opposite couples which brings you to your former places. The other 2 couples do the same.
Prominade round 40 step, fall into 2 lines, set, 4 hands 1/2 way round balce & back, 1/2 right & left with balance.
Top & opposite couple allemande & assemble, chasse to the ladies place, side couple the same. Take hands behind & balance & prominade to your places.
The gent chasse to opposite place, then short allemande, & assemblee in the middle, Page then turn the opposite lady, gent. chasse to place, all balance, 1/2 round side couple ditto, all balance & back to places.
Balance & cross hands, & prominade round ditto & back, cross over one couple, turn your partners, right & left.
First gent. cross hands with the two 1st ladies, prominade half round & back, the first lady ditto with the gent, down the middle, up, cast off, & right & left at top.
Cross hands at top, 1/2 round & back again, lead down the middle, up, & cross off one couple, balance 4 & turn your partners quite round, right & left at top.
1st couple chasse down on the ladies side, the 2d couple at the same time down at the gentns side, up again the 1st couple down on the gent side, the 2d couple down on the ladies side, up, then both couple down the middle, up, cast off, right & left at top.
The 2 first ladies take hold of hands & chasse to gent side, gent to ladies side & rig. back again, lead down middle, up, cast off, right & left at top.
Set hands, chasse 1/2 way round & back, 1st & 2d couple chasse down the middle, up, cast off 1 couple, cross hands at bottom, right & left at top.
1st couple chasse down outside, up again, lead down the middle, up, cast off one couple, then turn your partner so the she may stand between the 1st gent & lady & you must stand between the next couple, then balance 2d & 3d crossways, then turn your partner so that she may be in the gent side & you on the ladies side, then balance 3 & 3 longways, then make the paux de bas step, then turn your partner 1/2 round & thus you come to your places
1st couple chasse in contrary sides, then on your own sides, then down the middle, up, cast off, right & left at top.
1st lady balce to 2d gent, the 1st gent do the same to 2d lady, down the middle, up, cast off, right & left at top.
2 first couple balce & rig. the gent. chasse to ladies side & ladies to gent side & rig. balce & back down the middle up, cast off & right & left.
1st gent chasse down outside, the lady down the middle, then up, the lady down at side, & gent down the middle, up again both down the middle, up cast off one couple, right & left at top.
Cast off 2 couple back again, 4 hands round at top, lead down the mmiddle, up again & cast off one couple, six hands round.
1st gent 3 hands 1/2 round with 1st & 2d lady. 1st lady do the same with 1st & 2d gent, lead down the middle, up, cast off 1 couple, right & left at top.
Clap the hands 3 times, then turn your partner 1/2 round, ditto & back, down the middle, up, cast off one couple, right & left at top.
Cross hands at top 1/2 round & back, down middle, up, cast off one couple, cross hands at bottom, 1/2 round & back, right & left at top.
Cross hands at top, 1/2 round & back, then down outside, up middle, cast off one couple, 4 hands swinging 1/2 round at top — right & left with ditto.
1st lady chasse down at side, contratem forward 5 step, up the middle, turn your partner round, the 1st gent. ditto, then down in the middle, up, cast off one couple, 6 hands chasse 1/2 round & back.
3 first couple change sides & back, then all side, allemande to places, 1st couple down the middle, up, cast off, six hands 1/2 round & back.
1st gent. balance to 2d gent., 1st lady to 2d lady. Chasse across & rign., balance & back, 1st gen turn 2d lady, 1st lady turn 2d gent, then turn you partner & conclude with la pussette.
1st couple down outside, up, down the middle, up, cast off one couple, allemande with your partner, back, right & left at top.
1st couple down the middle, up, cast off one couple, right & left at top.
1st couple down out side, 3d couple up the middle, 3d couple down outside, 6 hands chasse 1/2 round, back, 1st couple down the middle, up, cast off one couple, right & left at top.
1st couple chasse down outside, down middle, up, cast off one couple, short allemande & assemble with your partner, then turn your partner round, right & left with chasse, so as to face your partner all the time of performance.
1st couple cast off & back again, whilst the 1st couple down the middle, the 2d couple cast off, & return to places, 6 hands 1/2 round & back, right & left at top.
Cross hands at top, half round & back, the lady down down on the gent side 2 couple, the gent down on the ladies side, both up the middle, cast off one couple, swing corners & pass.
1st coupe, balce & change sides, balance & back again, the ladies chasse on the gent side, the gent on the ladies side, 4 hands 1/2 round & back, & right & left.
1st couple cast off, & the 3 lead up, all turn partners with both hands, 3d couple cast off to your places & 1st couple lead up, all turn with both hands, down the middle, up again, cast off one couple, 6 hands round, 2 first couple promenade & right & left.
2d gent allemande with 1st lady, & 1st gent with 2d lady, lead down middle, up, & cast off one couple, cross over 2 couple, thus the 1st 3 couple, balance forward, allemande with Page your partner & change places, balance forward again, & allemande with the left hand to your places.
1st lady & her partner swing round the 2 next couple, then vice versa, lead down middle, up, cast off 1 couple, set corners, & right & left at top.
Lead down middle, up, cast off 1 couple, set corners, 4 hands round at bottom, right & left at top.
2 first couple change sides & back, lead down the middle, up, & cast off one couple, lead through the bottom couple, then through the top, & bow to each other (slowly), right & left at top.
Cast off 2 couple, up again, 4 hands round at top, back again, lead down middle, up, & cast off 1 couple, right & left at top.
4 hands across 1/2 round at top, back again, lead down the middle, & turn your partner 1/2 way, up again & cast off one couple, the 1st gent stand between the 2d & 3d ladies, so his partner between the 2d & 3d gent, balance all 6, then 1/2 way round. 1st couple stand still, when the 2d and 3d couples balance in the middle & 1/2 right & left, so every one come to their former places.
Cross 4 hands at top, 1/2 round, back again, cast off one couple, set, balance 6, & set, then 4 hands round at bottom, back again, right & left at top.
Cross 4 hands 1/2 round, back again, chasse only the 1st couple, 1st gent set with 2d lady & his partner with 2d gent. Chasse back again, then turn the 2d couple, that you may be between the 2d & 3d couples.
4 hands across 1/2 round, back again, 3 first couple allemand quite round, lead down the middle, up, cast off, 6 hands 1/2 round & back, right & left at top.
1st & 2d gent pass to ladies side, ladies lead to gent side, back, again, cast off, turn corners, & lead outside with partner.
4 hands across 1/2 round, back again, the same allemand, lead down middle, up, cast off, 6 hands 1/2 round, back again, right & left.
1st lady balance to 3d gent & turn the 2d. The 1st gent the same, then down the middle, up, cast off 1 couple, right & left.
Balance 1st couple, change side, ditto back, down middle, up, cast off 1 couple, right & left.
Round right hand across, back, down the middle, up, cast off, 6 hands 1/2 round, back, & right & left.
Down outside, up, change sides, down middle, up, cast off, right & left.
1st lady set to 2d gent, turn the 3d, the gent does the same, down middle, up, cast off one couple, right & left.
1st lady turn 2d gent, the 1st gent turn 2d lady, down middle, up, cast off, right & left.
Cast off 3 couple, up middle, same time, the 3d couple up the middle & down outside, 1st & 2d couples hands round 1/2 way & back, down middle, up, right & left.
4 hands across 1/2 round, back, down middle, up, cast off, four hands round with 3d couple, right & left at top.
Cast off 3 couple, up middle, cast off 1 couple, 4 hands round with the couple below, turn partners, right & left.
Balance, 4 hands 1/2 way round, ditto back again, balance & half right & left, balance, & back again.
2 couple balance, 4 hands across ditto, back, down middle, up, right & left.
Cast off 3 couple, chasse up with 3d lady & balance with her, chasse to her place, bring up your partner, right & left.
1st & 2d couples chasse down outside, up again, 4 hands 1/2 round, back, down middle, right & left.
Cast off 1 couple, change sides, ditto 2d couple, balance 4 abreast two couple ditto, 1st couple, right & left.
3 couple balance, & turn partners, ditto back, down middle, up, right & left.
Change sides, down the middle, up, 4 hands 1/2 round & back, right & left.
Balance & 3 hands round with the ladies, ditto with the gent, down the middle, up, cast off, right & left.
Cast off, up & 4 hands across, down the middle, up, cast off one couple, right & left.
Balance & half right & left, ditto back, cast off 1 couple, 4 hands round and back.
Balance & change sides, down middle, balance round your partner, ditto & turn her, 6 hands 1/2 round, ditto back with balance.
Balance & change sides, ditto & back6161. The words ditto & back are written above the line, so their position might be wrong, down middle, up again, balance to your partner & turn her.
3 first couple balance, & turn partners, ditto & back, down middle, up again, right & left.
Balance to 2d couple, 4 hands 1/2 round, lead up on the outside & turn to your places, form a circle with allemand & assemble, cast off, right & left.
Cast off outside, down middle, up again, turn your partner, set 3 & 3 up & down, turn partners & set 3 & 3 sideways to your places.
4 hands round 1/2 way & back, the 2 gent turn their partners round with right hands, lead down two couple, up, cast off one couple, right & left.
Down outside, up, down middle, up, cast off, 1 couple, 6 hands round, right & left.
Down outside, up, down middle, up, cast off one couple, 4 hands round with 3d couple, right & left at top.
4 hands round 1/2 way & back, cross over 2 couple, lead to te top, cast off one Page couple, 1st, 2d, & 3d gent set to partners, right & left at top.
1st gent, turn 2d lady & 1st lady 2d gent, 4 hands across 1/2 way round and back, lead down 2 couple, cast off 2d & 3d couple, right & left at top.
The lady leads off 2 couple, the gent follows, the gent, gives his left hand & the lady her right, up again, down middle, up again, cast off, 4 hands 1/2 round below, right & left at top.
1st & 3d couple swing round the 2d, then prominade 3 couple, lead down middle, up, cast off 1 couple & right & left at top.
Balance to 2d gent, & chasse across, the lady do the same, cross over with short allemande & asseble, chasse to your places, down the middle, up, cast off, right & left.
2 couple balance & turn partner, ditto back, & down middle, & up again, right & left.
Cast outside, up again, 4 hands across, down the middle, up, cast off, 4 hands round with 3d couple, right & left at top.
Cast off, up & down middle, up, 4 hands 1/2 round, turn partners, right & left.
Cast off 1 couple, 4 hands at bottom, cast up & 4 hands round at top, down middle, up, cast off 1 couple, right & left at top.
4 hands across 1/2 round & back, 1st & 3d couple draw, lead down 2 couple, cast up one, right & left at top.
Down outside, up & down the middle, up again, cast off, 4 hands round with 3d couple, right & left at top.
Half right & left, the same back, cross over 1 couple & turn, right & left at top.
Hey contrary sides, hey on your own sides, down middle, up, 6 hands round.
Allemande with your partner, 2d couple do the same, down middle, up, cast off, right & left.
1st gent turn 2d lady, 1st lady do 2d gent, lead down middle, up, cast off, lead outsides.
Hands 4 across; same back, lead down 2 couple, lead up & cast off, turn corners, lead outsides.
1st couple set to 2d lady, hands 3 round, same to 2d gent, lead down middle, up to the 2d couples places, then allemand with partner.
Right hands across, left hands back, lead down 1 couple, up, cast off.
Turn right hand quite round, & cast off, turn left hands, set 3 to 3, top at bottom, turn your partners, hands 6 round & back.
Balance 1/2 round & back, balance, change sides, balance, back again, lead down middle, up, cast off, right & left.
1st gent turn 2d lady, 1st lady turn 2d gent, hands across 4 round & back, 1st & 2d couple prominade round, lead down the middle, up, cast off.
1st & 2d couple cross hands 1/2 round, back again, lead down middle, cast off, 4 hands round with 3d couple, right & left with the first.
Cast off 2 couple, allemande with right hand, cast up, allemand with your left, lead down 2 couple, up, cast off. 6 hands round.
Balance 3 couple, change places, back again, lead down the middle, up, cast off 1 couple, cross hands at bottom, right & left at top.
Turn partner with right hand, set, back again with left, lead down midle, up again, cast off 1 couple, turn corners,6262. Page thorn, instruction can't be read with partner, back again.
Cast off 1 couple, set, the 2d couple do the same, lead down middle, up, cast off 1 couple, 6 hands round.
1st gent fall down 2 couple & turn 3d lady & stand in 2d couples place, 1st lady does the same, balance, set corners & lead outsides.
Balance & fall down 1 couple & swing 4 down middle, swing 6, set corners & lead outsides.
1st & 3d couple balance, change places, back again, down middle, up,6363. Page thorn, instruction can't be read off, right & left.