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Historical Dance Bibliography

Entry with id wilson_1820_companion:

Author (real name):
Thomas Wilson
A Companion to the Ball Room Containing a Choice Collection of the Most Original and Admired Country Dances, Reels, Hornpipes, Waltzes, and Quadrills, with Appropriate Figures to Each, the Etiquette and a Dissertation on the State of the Ball Room
Added to database:
October 26, 2020
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Date of publication:
D. Mackay
Place of publication:
Page 128 follows page 227, page 257 follows page 250, pages 193 and 194 are separated by two unnumbered pages (these are misprints). Edition number is set by Paul Cooper with the following reasoning: this book cannot be neither first edition from 1816 (because advertisement in The Gentleman's Magazine and advertisement in The Repository of Arts say it has 232 pages and does not have any quadrilles — this book contains 257 numbered pages and contains some quadrilles), nor the second edition (the footnote of the first page of the index says that the second edition index lacked quadrilles — and the index in this book has quadrilles in the index). This is unlikely to be the third edition: in Critiques section it mentions the review of The Correct Method of German and French Waltzing published in December 1817 issue of the European Magazine; the third edition of “A Companion to the Ball Room” was published in 1817. Hence, this is assumed to be the fourth edition. Dated circa 1820 by the library which is considered as reliable dating by Paul Cooper.

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In-text label: [Wilson, 1820?]
Full cite: Thomas Wilson A Companion to the Ball Room Containing a Choice Collection of the Most Original and Admired Country Dances, Reels, Hornpipes, Waltzes, and Quadrills, with Appropriate Figures to Each, the Etiquette and a Dissertation on the State of the Ball Room. London, 1820?. https://bib.hda.org.ru/books/wilson_1820_companion
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